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 February 27, 2025

Help: Using

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Need to know more about a specific form? Hold your cursor (mouse pointer) over the word ‘’more” beside a specific form. Often, you will get a full form description including number of pages. This will help you decide if this is the appropriate form. By indicating number of pages, it will help you determine how long it may take to download the form. A 12 page life application will take much longer to download than a one-page questionnaire.

Click on the print/view icon, and the form (in pdf* format) will appear on your screen. You will also notice it’s a custom form - - your name appears along the edge of the form!

Adobe® Reader® 6.0 is free software that lets you view and print Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files on a variety of devices and operating systems. If you do not have Adobe® Reader®, you can download it for free at

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